If the yaya thing is working for you- COOL. Keep doing that. BUT I can guarantee there’s A LOT of singers who it does NOT work for. Vocal tricks are not one size fits all yall. Let’s stop pretending that that is true - because it’s not. We may like to THINK that’s the case bc it makes singing seem simpler. BUT it leaves a lot of people very frustrated and confused SO- if it’s not working- let’s see if you’re one of these 3 kinds of singers, and let’s give you some tools and steps that will move you in the right direction If you want more free quality information, check out my Singers Secret Digest! You’ll get weekly tips and mindset hacks- plus, exclusive access to discounts and presales. I’ll be making a VERY exciting Mix Belting course available VERY SOON, so you can learn to belt your little face off without screaming. Join the Singer’s Secret Digest (link in bio) so you’re the first to know!
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