5am - 7 am mom of 3 boys morning routine. One of my biggest unproductive habits was laying in bed and scrolling social media or emails to start my day. I felt like as soon as I got out of bed it was putting out fires, being a referee, getting snacks, all until bedtime. When creating a morning routine I just wanted a minute to read my Bible without feeling like I was being interrupted every 3 words. 15 minutes turned to 30 turned to 60 etc. My biggest advice — 1. Get a bedtime. You can set that alarm for 5 am, but if you went to bed at 12 after doom scrolling you’ll resent the alarm. 2. 📝Plan your morning the night before — Streamline your morning routine by planning priorities and tasks the night before. Reduce the distraction of decision making in the morning. Set out bibles, books, workout clothes, etc. 3. 💥🚀Try the 5 second rule to get out of bed. When the alarm goes off, count backward and get up to begin your day. Snoozing and scrolling social media from bed in the morning makes it harder to get up and increase fatigue 👉🏻 put your phone on dnd to keep notifications from distracting you. Try implementing one tomorrow and build your way up!
#sahmroutine #momroutines #momofboys