Body mind energetic changed everything for me✨ A year and a half ago, I couldn’t trust anyone…not even myself. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I had been trained not to. Years of emotional warfare in a toxic relationship had rewired me to believe that trust was a liability. My ex had me convinced that love came with conditions, that I was too emotional, too needy, too much. So, I did what so many of us do…made myself smaller, more easy going. Stayed quiet when I wanted to scream, apologized for things that weren’t my fault, and tolerated behavior I should’ve walked away from. Even after I finally got out, the damage didn’t just disappear. No one warns you that breaking free is only the beginning. That you can leave the relationship, but the trauma? It stays. It settles into your body like an unwelcome houseguest, unpacking itself in your chest, your shoulders, your jaw. It shows up in the way you flinch when someone raises their voice or in how you second-guess your every move, terrified of getting it “wrong.” Time heals all wounds, right? Wrong. Trauma doesn’t give a damn about time. It lives in your nervous system, keeping you on high alert, ready to fight, flight, fawn or freeze at the slightest hint of danger…even when there isn’t any. My wake-up call came when I realized I didn’t even trust myself. Every decision felt like a risk. Every moment of peace felt like the calm before the storm. And letting someone new into my life? That felt about as safe as juggling knives while blindfolded. Was EXHAUSTED living like that. Tired of being a prisoner in my own body. So, I did something radical…started listening to it. Stopped pretending I could think my way out of trauma and started feeling my way through it. Using nervous system regulation to call off the internal alarms that wouldn’t shut up. Dove into myofascial release to physically evict the pain and fear that had made a home in my muscles. And let me tell you, punching a pillow? Surprisingly therapeutic. Turns out, love without conditions is the hardest thing to accept when you’ve never had it. My partner didn’t try to fix me or rush me. They simply were. And that quiet, steady presence? It forced me to face the one person I’d been running from all along: myself. So, if you’re stuck in that place where trust feels like a foreign language and your body is still bracing for impact, hear me when I say this: it’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility. Healing isn’t passive. You don’t have to be “ready.” You just have to start. Trust yourself, even if you’re convinced you can’t. The version of you who feels safe, seen, and whole? She’s already in there, waiting for you to unleash her. Drop ❤️ to use body mind energetics to relieve trauma from your body.
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