We discuss a collision incident that occurred in the port of Nassau, Bahamas, where a Royal Caribbean cruise ship, the Allure of the Seas, crashed into what appears to be an expensive luxury yacht. This type of incident is known as an 'elision' in maritime terms, where a stationary object collides with a vessel. While no injuries were reported on the Allure of the Seas, the fate of the people on the yacht is unknown. The video encourages viewers who have any information about this incident to share it, and also promotes the cruise ship
#lawyer, Spencer Aronfeld, who specializes in suing
#cruise lines.
#CruiseShipCollision #mrgeorge #PortOfNassau #RoyalCaribbean #LuxuryYachtCrash #MaritimeTerms #AllureOfTheSeas #CruiseShipLawyer @Royal Caribbean