Discard Stage: The Narcissist will drop the main for the background character. Once the background person is completely lovebombed, they’ll return to the Ex and attemtp to Hoover them back into a romantic relationship. Their hope is, you start working hard to get your main position back. Not realizing they’ll respect you even less. When they ask, “Can we at least be friends after the discard”, It’s their way of keeping you close enough to manipulate your emotions. For this reason, often times when a Narcissist leave you, it’s for an Old supply. This is also why, warning New supply is a bad idea. You just never know who you’re going to run into and what their actions will be. They know certain things about the Narcissist, they just believe you’re the problem and they’re the problem solver. It’s best to just walk out of the cycle and go towards healing. Let whoever want them, have those problems. In time, they’ll see why you didn’t put up a fight to keep that person.
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