I know the reason for this old school way of approaching wildlife is because touching most animals under water can cause harm, especially if we are the ones to initiate the touch. However as predators sharks will sometimes initiate the approach and will want to bump and potentially bite things to get more information. The one thing you shouldn’t do is run away from them because this only instinctually drives their curiosity to figure out if you are hurt or injured. Redirecting techniques that @Ocean Ramsey Sharks created let the sharks know that u are a healthy animal and aware. Also sharks have extremely thick skin and they will actually bite or bump each other while hunting or mating, so a locked elbow with a hand on top of thier head is not going to harm a shark. If anything, this will stop the shark from inflicting harm on a human when all it wants to do is get more information by putting things in its mouth. join us @OneOceanDiving for more information on sharks. 🦈💙😉
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