Here’s the steps… Step 1: observe that you’re on the brink of igniting into a negative emotional response or catch yourself if you already have. (This is like throwing a wrench in the pre-conditioned cogs of reaction.) Step 2: reward yourself, literally say “Good job Joe for catching yourself feeling triggered now it’s time to send her back in on peace and presence.” (This is throwing another wrench and shifting the focal point away from the condition to response and instead on empowerment and pride for taking our power back.) Step 3: take 10 very long and deep breaths, asking yourself what are 10 things I see, three things I’m touching, two things I hear, and one thing I smell. (this helps to get out of our thinking mind and into mindfulness of the present moment. The mind is busy itself, analyzing data from the immediate moment through your sensory awareness.) Step 4: find anything you can to be grateful for in that moment, whether it is relevant to the immediate situation or something general like the love you have for your kids or your job or your spouse. (We’re trying to shift the focal point of our energy, vibration, consciousness, and perspective toward something positive so that we can jump tracks from the pre-conditioned response into something of a higher mind.) Step 5: ask yourself what is the most empowered response I can choose for myself in this moment? Allow some options to flow into your mind and your heart. (This is going to feel unfamiliar because you’re not used to functioning in this capacity, but give it a little bit of time and something will come to you. This is like a learning to walk on your 2 feet after walking on your hands for your entire life, it’s gonna take some time building these new muscles and strengthening them while you gain confidence and comfortability.) Step 6: take a deep breath again and choose your response. Be proud of yourself for reprogramming your brain, your nervous system, your mindset, your perspective, and your entire consciousness. This is huge and you should be proud.