👇 SATURDAY SMITH SQUAT TIPS 👇 1.) Push your hips back before you descend by just a smidge as you arch your back and push your chest up. Lock your upper body in that position for the rest of the rep. This will let your quads do pretty much all the work from here on out. This is NOT how you squat the most weight… it’s how you squat to hit your quads the most. 2.) Right after
#1, or even as you do it, take a big breath in and hold it, bearing down a bit with your core so that you feel super tight. This will keep your spine a bit safer AND let you go heavier. Keep your chest UP while this happens, don’t let it fall. 3.) Once you do the above and hold it, the rest of the movement is just letting your knees push forward over your toes as you descend. Push them as far as they go while your heels stay on the ground and give you a solid pushing foundation. Go slow so that you can feel your quads tearing on the way down, ESPECIALLY in the bottom third! Almost everyone will want to rush that bottom part… those who resist and go slow will grow more. 4.) Pause for a split second at the bottom or for up to 3 seconds if you like, then ascend. That’s it. Remember that bodybuilding is different from powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman, and performance sport in general in one critical way: you want to EXPOSE yourself to the pain. To the weak position, to the technique that drains your muscles the most. Don’t cover yourself and rush through the fire as fast as possible. Lift your arms up and out, head up, smile, and stroll into the flames. The longer you spend in there, the scarier you’ll be when you emerge. That kind of attitude makes for great gym therapy too!
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