Brought Ice to his first run club today and he did so good! I’d say between the insane wind and lots of pets he was a little overstimulated, he kept calm but just pooped 3 times 😂🤭 Was talking to the
#1 dog foster in NYC @mfink_ about the 3-3-3 rule for adopted/foster dogs. Highly recommend looking into it if you don’t know about it. What’s crazy is the first 3 days, Ice wouldn’t leave his bed unless he was being walked or fed but now he likes to walk around and sit/sleep at our feet! One week in and he’s run 18 miles!!! We’re looking into a new harness for him, any recommendations please lmk! I’m excited to see how much changes and see more of his personality over the next couple of weeks. We have a lot of work to do with commands and tricks, he’s great on leash and running but still needs some tweaks! So proud of the progress so far 🥹🤍🧊
#runtok #nycrunning #nycrunclub #runclubnyc #nomorelonelyruns #iceonthemove #runningwithdogs