For the love of humanity, use your voice. They are dying. While we watch as thousands, half (if not over half) of them being children have been senselessly unalived, oftentimes we wonder how we can help. 1. You can use your voice to raise awareness. There are a lot of good people in this world who do not fully understand what is happening. We live in a world ruled by propaganda. Pitting race, religions, and core belief systems against one another. And many don't realize just how propogandized, or "asleep" they truly are. Over the past 16 months, we've been screaming into what felt like an echo chamber, but have you seen how the protests have gotten louder and the movement, stronger? It is working. 2. Boycotts. They have worked SO well, that one major global corporation reported their highest losses and shut down many locations. Looking at you, Starbucks. Shop small. Sure, at times, it can be pricier, but chains are draining us as it is, and it will only get worse before it gets better. You might as well get a jumpstart on boosting small and local businesses within your community. 3. Educate yourself. Read books. Consume news from reputable sources NOT in the U.S. You'll never learn about the true history of present world events without researching outside of our media. Our media is trash, and that's really all there is to say on the topic. Last but not least.... 4. Visit Operation Olive Branch They have a list of vetted families to help through donations. You can also visit my profile and donate to my friends Faraj and Mohammed. They are always in need of food, medicine, and additional aid. Thank you! And P.S. be nice to Ms. Rachel. She is a gem and champion for ALL children🖤
#humanity #human #peace #unity #wearenotfreeuntilweareallfree #🍉
#keffiyeh #freedomforall #worldpeace #Operationolivebranch #MsRachel