Pagan as a term is somewhat problematic because many of the Celtic and Asatru faiths believe this term solely applies to their practices. However, the term pagan originates in the Latin Pagonis, which just referred to villagers of outlying settlements who practiced the old ways, even when Christianity had swept Mediterranean. The word pagan in its roots, was meant to represent those who practiced the religious traditions of their ancestors rather than converting to the new Religion, which was sweeping the globe. I personally attribute the term pagan to indigenous, religions, globally, and I am more than a little tired of being told that as an American, I’m not allowed to be a pagan. 81% of Americans have European ancestry, and if you really felt like digging, you would note that a massive percentage of that percentage comes from countries or lands that are historically of the Celtic, Druidic, Asatru, and other pagan peoples. I myself have Celtic ancestry, Romani ancestry, and Hellenic pagan ancestry. and though my most recent ancestors, namely, my grandmother and great grandmother had been converted to Catholicism, those who predated the Christianization of the world practiced in their indigenous faiths. If you are one of these pagans out here acting like where your mother birthed you is what allows you to practice your religion, you are missing the whole g*ddamn point of being a “non Christian” and behaving with the same elitist narrow mindedness they do. Stop it.
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