Many of us stayed in abusive relationships longer than we should have, trying to protect our children from what we feared might come. We worried that separation or divorce would be hard, but we never fully anticipated the hell our ex would create—turning our children against us, manipulating them, and leaving us feeling like they were kidnapped in plain sight. It’s a form of emotional abuse that often flies under the radar, and because it’s so misunderstood, it leaves us feeling isolated, blamed, and ashamed. The stereotype of abusive fathers hiding behind claims of parental alienation has clouded the reality of what’s really happening. It’s not just fathers. It happens to mothers, too. In fact, many, many mothers experience this heartbreaking situation, and because it’s so often misdiagnosed and misunderstood—even by professionals—we’re all – mothers, fathers, grandparents, and step-parents - left feeling unheard and unsupported. The alienating parent often plays the victim. They manipulate the situation, aligning the children with them, while portraying themselves as the one who has been wronged. It’s a cruel reversal that leaves us, the targeted parent, labelled as the problem. Our children, who don’t understand what’s happening, get caught up in this web of deceit. And what’s worse, society doesn’t understand it either. Too many who don’t understand coercive control, cognitive dissonance and attachment disorders, think we’re at fault for the fractured relationships with our children. It’s devastating when, even the professionals who should be helping us don’t always recognise what’s happening. Misdiagnosis is common. This is the reality of parental alienation—it’s a form of abuse that remains largely invisible to the outside world, even though we live it every day. But there is hope. Parental alienation is slowly gaining the recognition it deserves, backed by decades of peer-reviewed research. While the naysayers, in response, become more vicious, launching personal attacks on those working to help those who suffer, their resistance only shows that awareness is growing. And alienated children can break free of the lies. As they get older, they often begin to see through the manipulation and resolve the cognitive dissonance they’ve been living with. The love they once had for us doesn’t vanish, and with time, reflection, and our consistent love, many find their way back.
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