
parentalalienationawareness hashtag performance

#ParentalAlienationAwareness promotes understanding of parental alienation, its emotional impact on children and families, encourages dialogue, supports affected individuals, and advocates for legal reform and healthy co-parenting practices.
Parental alienation ruins lives #parentalalienationawareness #parentalalienation
Enforcing boundaries can be challenging for the targeted parent. The child may have been told you’re mean, so when you don’t buy that pony or new iPhone, they immediately reinforce those negative beliefs. And, of course, this is ridiculous, and the odds are unfairly stacked against us. Is the alienating parent buying that new pony or iPhone? No? But they’re not the ones getting judged. All eyes are on us. That is how the alienating parent has manipulated the situation. ⁠  ⁠  The temptation to give in and buy the child their sweeties is strong. Make life easy. Avoid conflict. I truly understand this. I also realise that, having been denied time (a little or a lot), we want to make the most of it and have the best time possible. So maybe we do overinduldge, more than we normally would. This is not a normal situation. It’s so important to have boundaries still. If we keep buying them those ‘sweeties’, let’s say we could potentially be ‘feeding a monster’. I’m not saying our children are monsters. But they are in a monstrous situation. And we risk unintentionally empowering the child further in the process of parental alienation. By not setting boundaries, the child may continue to manipulate or exploit the situation, which can perpetuate the alienation dynamic.⁠  ⁠  Setting boundaries, even in the face of resistance or hostility from the alienating parent or the child, is crucial. It helps establish a sense of stability and consistency for the child, which can benefit their emotional well-being. It also communicates to the child that their behaviour has limits and expectations, even if they have been influenced to believe otherwise. By enforcing boundaries, the targeted parent maintains their own integrity and self-respect. It helps prevent further erosion of their relationship with the child and can allow the child to eventually see through the manipulations and realise the truth.⁠  ⁠  Boundaries are a means to protect both your well-being and the potential for healing and reconciliation with your child in the long run.⁠ #charliemccready #parentalalienationcoach #alienatedparent #parentalalienationawareness #attachmentdisorder #coercivecontrol #parentalalienation #FamilyCourt #fathersrights #mothersrights #custodybattle #ChildCustody #custody #mothersmatter #FathersMatter #narcissisticparent
Enforcing boundaries can be challenging for the targeted parent. The child may have been told you’re mean, so when you don’t buy that pony or new iPhone, they immediately reinforce those negative beliefs. And, of course, this is ridiculous, and the odds are unfairly stacked against us. Is the alienating parent buying that new pony or iPhone? No? But they’re not the ones getting judged. All eyes are on us. That is how the alienating parent has manipulated the situation. ⁠ ⁠ The temptation to give in and buy the child their sweeties is strong. Make life easy. Avoid conflict. I truly understand this. I also realise that, having been denied time (a little or a lot), we want to make the most of it and have the best time possible. So maybe we do overinduldge, more than we normally would. This is not a normal situation. It’s so important to have boundaries still. If we keep buying them those ‘sweeties’, let’s say we could potentially be ‘feeding a monster’. I’m not saying our children are monsters. But they are in a monstrous situation. And we risk unintentionally empowering the child further in the process of parental alienation. By not setting boundaries, the child may continue to manipulate or exploit the situation, which can perpetuate the alienation dynamic.⁠ ⁠ Setting boundaries, even in the face of resistance or hostility from the alienating parent or the child, is crucial. It helps establish a sense of stability and consistency for the child, which can benefit their emotional well-being. It also communicates to the child that their behaviour has limits and expectations, even if they have been influenced to believe otherwise. By enforcing boundaries, the targeted parent maintains their own integrity and self-respect. It helps prevent further erosion of their relationship with the child and can allow the child to eventually see through the manipulations and realise the truth.⁠ ⁠ Boundaries are a means to protect both your well-being and the potential for healing and reconciliation with your child in the long run.⁠ #charliemccready #parentalalienationcoach #alienatedparent #parentalalienationawareness #attachmentdisorder #coercivecontrol #parentalalienation #FamilyCourt #fathersrights #mothersrights #custodybattle #ChildCustody #custody #mothersmatter #FathersMatter #narcissisticparent
#FathersAreImportant  #LittleArcadio  #Fathers  #FatherAndSon  #fatheranddaughter  #MensRights  #FathersRightsMovement  #Fathers  #parentalalienation #narcissisticabuse #parentalalienationawareness #narcissist #coparenting #parentalalienationischildabuse #fathersrights #divorce  #stopparentalalienation #fathersrightsmovement  #narcissisticmother #smearcampaign #childrensrights #flyingmonkeys  #financialabuse #divorcinganarcissist  #MentalHealth #psychopath #parenting #blendedfamily #toxicpeople #fyp
The good news is that the understanding, recognition, and support for parental alienation have grown in recent years, although it remains an area that requires much more attention and awareness. Hence my daily posts to spread awareness, inform and (hopefully) uplift. Undoubtedly, parental alienation involves intricate dynamics within family systems, making it challenging to identify and address. The subtle and manipulative tactics employed by alienating parents can be difficult to detect, especially when combined with the child's emotions and experiences (and, we might add, their indoctrination after a period of coaching by the alienating parent). While parental alienation affects many, many people, it remains an issue that the general public does not discuss or understand. There is also some scepticism or disbelief from some quarters, usually, those who haven't personally experienced it. They believe it is rare, doesn't exist or is purely the domain of the perpetrator who claims alienation falsely to continue their control and abuse. The ignorance and lack of understanding about parental alienation can add insult to injury for those of us who know it's very real and psychologically abusive. Some people cannot understand what it feels like to have our loving and loved child turned against us without justification. And this includes some legal and mental health professionals. Also, addressing parental alienation within legal systems can be complicated, lengthy and expensive, as it often requires significant evidence. Often the court rulings are ignored and broken by the alienating parent who, as the target parent tries to tell everyone, has no intention of co-parenting. In many cases, there's enforcement for custody payments but not contact. I believe things will change. Tobacco was once promoted as healthy and sexy, as opposed to harmful. We know better now. I'm sure it will be the same with parental alienation, and it will one day become known, accepted, and supported as spousal/partner and child psychological abuse, an attachment disorder of pathogenic parenting, a mental health crisis. This day cannot come soon enough. #charliemccready #parentalalienationcoach #alienatedparent #parentsupport #parentalalienation #parentalalienationawareness #ParentalAlienationSyndrome #parentalalienationisreal #alienatedchild #coercivecontrol #pathogenicparent #attachmentdisorder #childpsychologicalabuse #fathersrights #mothersrights #FathersMatter #mothersmatter #FamilyCourt #custody #childcustody
The good news is that the understanding, recognition, and support for parental alienation have grown in recent years, although it remains an area that requires much more attention and awareness. Hence my daily posts to spread awareness, inform and (hopefully) uplift. Undoubtedly, parental alienation involves intricate dynamics within family systems, making it challenging to identify and address. The subtle and manipulative tactics employed by alienating parents can be difficult to detect, especially when combined with the child's emotions and experiences (and, we might add, their indoctrination after a period of coaching by the alienating parent). While parental alienation affects many, many people, it remains an issue that the general public does not discuss or understand. There is also some scepticism or disbelief from some quarters, usually, those who haven't personally experienced it. They believe it is rare, doesn't exist or is purely the domain of the perpetrator who claims alienation falsely to continue their control and abuse. The ignorance and lack of understanding about parental alienation can add insult to injury for those of us who know it's very real and psychologically abusive. Some people cannot understand what it feels like to have our loving and loved child turned against us without justification. And this includes some legal and mental health professionals. Also, addressing parental alienation within legal systems can be complicated, lengthy and expensive, as it often requires significant evidence. Often the court rulings are ignored and broken by the alienating parent who, as the target parent tries to tell everyone, has no intention of co-parenting. In many cases, there's enforcement for custody payments but not contact. I believe things will change. Tobacco was once promoted as healthy and sexy, as opposed to harmful. We know better now. I'm sure it will be the same with parental alienation, and it will one day become known, accepted, and supported as spousal/partner and child psychological abuse, an attachment disorder of pathogenic parenting, a mental health crisis. This day cannot come soon enough. #charliemccready #parentalalienationcoach #alienatedparent #parentsupport #parentalalienation #parentalalienationawareness #ParentalAlienationSyndrome #parentalalienationisreal #alienatedchild #coercivecontrol #pathogenicparent #attachmentdisorder #childpsychologicalabuse #fathersrights #mothersrights #FathersMatter #mothersmatter #FamilyCourt #custody #childcustody
Many of us stayed in abusive relationships longer than we should have, trying to protect our children from what we feared might come. We worried that separation or divorce would be hard, but we never fully anticipated the hell our ex would create—turning our children against us, manipulating them, and leaving us feeling like they were kidnapped in plain sight.⁠ ⁠ It’s a form of emotional abuse that often flies under the radar, and because it’s so misunderstood, it leaves us feeling isolated, blamed, and ashamed. The stereotype of abusive fathers hiding behind claims of parental alienation has clouded the reality of what’s really happening. It’s not just fathers. It happens to mothers, too. In fact, many, many mothers experience this heartbreaking situation, and because it’s so often misdiagnosed and misunderstood—even by professionals—we’re all – mothers, fathers, grandparents, and step-parents - left feeling unheard and unsupported.⁠ ⁠ The alienating parent often plays the victim. They manipulate the situation, aligning the children with them, while portraying themselves as the one who has been wronged. It’s a cruel reversal that leaves us, the targeted parent, labelled as the problem. Our children, who don’t understand what’s happening, get caught up in this web of deceit. And what’s worse, society doesn’t understand it either. Too many who don’t understand coercive control, cognitive dissonance and attachment disorders, think we’re at fault for the fractured relationships with our children. It’s devastating when, even the professionals who should be helping us don’t always recognise what’s happening. Misdiagnosis is common. This is the reality of parental alienation—it’s a form of abuse that remains largely invisible to the outside world, even though we live it every day. ⁠ ⁠ But there is hope. Parental alienation is slowly gaining the recognition it deserves, backed by decades of peer-reviewed research. While the naysayers, in response, become more vicious, launching personal attacks on those working to help those who suffer, their resistance only shows that awareness is growing. And alienated children can break free of the lies. As they get older, they often begin to see through the manipulation and resolve the cognitive dissonance they’ve been living with. The love they once had for us doesn’t vanish, and with time, reflection, and our consistent love, many find their way back. #charliemccready #parentalalienationcoach #highconflictcoparenting #alienatedparent #narcissisticabuseawareness #mothersmatter #mothersrights #FathersMatter #fathersrights #traumabonding #parentalalienationawareness #parentalalienation #FamilyCourt #divorced
Many of us stayed in abusive relationships longer than we should have, trying to protect our children from what we feared might come. We worried that separation or divorce would be hard, but we never fully anticipated the hell our ex would create—turning our children against us, manipulating them, and leaving us feeling like they were kidnapped in plain sight.⁠ ⁠ It’s a form of emotional abuse that often flies under the radar, and because it’s so misunderstood, it leaves us feeling isolated, blamed, and ashamed. The stereotype of abusive fathers hiding behind claims of parental alienation has clouded the reality of what’s really happening. It’s not just fathers. It happens to mothers, too. In fact, many, many mothers experience this heartbreaking situation, and because it’s so often misdiagnosed and misunderstood—even by professionals—we’re all – mothers, fathers, grandparents, and step-parents - left feeling unheard and unsupported.⁠ ⁠ The alienating parent often plays the victim. They manipulate the situation, aligning the children with them, while portraying themselves as the one who has been wronged. It’s a cruel reversal that leaves us, the targeted parent, labelled as the problem. Our children, who don’t understand what’s happening, get caught up in this web of deceit. And what’s worse, society doesn’t understand it either. Too many who don’t understand coercive control, cognitive dissonance and attachment disorders, think we’re at fault for the fractured relationships with our children. It’s devastating when, even the professionals who should be helping us don’t always recognise what’s happening. Misdiagnosis is common. This is the reality of parental alienation—it’s a form of abuse that remains largely invisible to the outside world, even though we live it every day. ⁠ ⁠ But there is hope. Parental alienation is slowly gaining the recognition it deserves, backed by decades of peer-reviewed research. While the naysayers, in response, become more vicious, launching personal attacks on those working to help those who suffer, their resistance only shows that awareness is growing. And alienated children can break free of the lies. As they get older, they often begin to see through the manipulation and resolve the cognitive dissonance they’ve been living with. The love they once had for us doesn’t vanish, and with time, reflection, and our consistent love, many find their way back. #charliemccready #parentalalienationcoach #highconflictcoparenting #alienatedparent #narcissisticabuseawareness #mothersmatter #mothersrights #FathersMatter #fathersrights #traumabonding #parentalalienationawareness #parentalalienation #FamilyCourt #divorced
#FathersAreImportant  #LittleArcadio  #Fathers #FatherAndSon #fatheranddaughter #MensRights  #FathersRightsMovement  #Fathers #parentalalienation #narcissisticabuse #parentalalienationawareness #narcissist #coparenting #parentalalienationischildabuse #fathersrights #divorce  #stopparentalalienation #fathersrightsmovement  #narcissisticmother #smearcampaign #childrensrights #flyingmonkeys  #financialabuse #divorcinganarcissist  #MentalHealth #psychopath #parenting #blendedfamily #toxicpeople #fyp
#FathersAreImportant  #LittleArcadio #Fathers #FatherAndSon #fatheranddaughter #MensRights  #FathersRightsMovement  #Fathers #parentalalienation #narcissisticabuse #parentalalienationawareness #narcissist #coparenting #parentalalienationischildabuse #fathersrights #divorce  #stopparentalalienation #fathersrightsmovement  #narcissisticmother #smearcampaign #childrensrights #flyingmonkeys  #financialabuse #divorcinganarcissist  #MentalHealth #psychopath #parenting #blendedfamily #toxicpeople #fyp

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