I have always believed in myself, so I’ve always believed I was chosen, exceptional, brilliant, capable, worthy. Even when no one else did, I believed in my ability to complete whatever tasks I set out to do through diligence, self-discipline, study, and practice. Very early on, I learned we create our lives by the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts; what we think and say. It’s no different with beauty. I’ve been accused of being arrogant, aloof, full of myself, cocky, bratty, stuck on myself, self-centered, egotistical ….You name it, I’ve been called it. What people don’t know about me is i FEEL infinitely more Beautiful than I look. You see, I truly believe I AM a Light Being tethered to this skinny little brown-skinned body for a finite number of heartbeats and breaths. I know I am more than this body and that it is the vehicle gifted to me to serve God and navigate this earthly life experience. I FEEL Beautiful, Powerful, Assured, Confident, Kind, Loving, Articulate, Compassionate, Empathic, Merciful, Connected, Protected, Inspired, Grounded, Balanced, Whole, Satisfied, Complete, Rested, Anointed, Saved, Grateful, intuitive, Loved, Joyful, Hopeful, Forgiven, Humble, Chosen. I project that and that is what others perceive as arrogance. I AM far more beautiful within than my body or photos show. I asked the Father why He “chose” me. I’m this skinny, sickly, brown-skinned intellectual woman with 5 kids and 6 grandchildren. I’ve been working in fitness for 55 years to help heal others from the childhood dis-eases, traumas, and scars I’d experienced as a child. I never thought of myself as pretty, but photographers and agents in DC, New Your,and Hollywood must have ,based on what I projected, because they hired me for modeling gigs. So, why ME? Sometimes it feels like No one is listening, until I see others imitating, duplicating, copying and stealing my image and posts and presenting it as theirs. My goal is to awaken as many people as possible, so perhaps that’s a sign of my moving in my purpose. Only those who vibrate high can perceive me, so my target audience is limited and scattered. Why me? I’m not young, light-skinned with blonde straight hair; the preferred Europeanized model. I can’t sing anymore. I used to be able to dance, but now I can’t dance like I used to. I’ve forgiven so much, my memory’s going. People still call me crazy, witch or demon. I prayed about it and Spirit said, “That’s exactly WHY. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” I Understand, but it’s still hard. Praying to God to invoke His Angels to reflect negative energy back to sender, show me the lessons I need to learn, guide me in the way I should go, protect me from all sides, and Enlighten my mind and body. These are some of the photos from my work over the years. **THIS IS MY ONLY ACCOUNT. **I DO NOT Have a BackUp Account **I NEVER CHARGE FOR READINGS
#ChakraTalkwithGodDrMEL#LovingME#M#MindfulnessE#EnergyMedicineS#StressManagementS#SelfMasteryC#CoExistE#EmpowerE#EmpowermentP#PeaceG#GratitudeS#STEMM#Meditation#G#GuidedMeditationB#BreathworkS#SelfLove#S#SelfCareM#MindfulBeautyC#ChakraHealingF#Feedthechakras#S#SelfHealingR#ReikiR#ReikiAngelicV#VioletFlameGoldI#IntegrativeNRGselfhealingC#ChakraSolMindfulMovementA#AwakenedGodSelfWinnersCircleM#MindfulDeepBreathingP#PhilautiologySchoolofHigherLearningrg #d#digitalthoughtwareom #d#digitalthoughtwarenline #I#InternationalCosmicBazaarV#VioletFlameA#Allrecipes