Our dad was a famous poet, He started writing poetry in 1993 when I was born. We got to go see the president 4 times. 1994,1995,1996,1997. My dad read his Poetry to thousands of people in DC and shook the presidents hand four times and won 4 🥇 medals. Seeing our dad up there made us want to be just like him, write poetry that can change the world with just his words. When I was 7 I used his type writer to write my first poem. I beg my dad to read it. He told me to not touch his type writer again and wouldn’t even read my poem I wrote. The poem was called “my hero” it was about my dad. It hurt us like a bullet wound to our chest so we wrote poems in our notebooks instead and never allowed anyone to read them. I love writing poetry, it’s how I express myself. I always believe my kind heart, views on the world and words could change a nation just like my dad. Our littles think we need to stop that it’s a waste of time but I feel like God put that skill in our heart for a reason like my dad when I was born. My dad still won’t read my poetry but I post it on instagram now to see if it can reach the people, the ones who hear will hear the ones who will see will see.