The silent killer could be in your home right now - and you wouldn't even know it unless you have this. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless. Unless you have a Carbon Monoxide alarm you may never know. In this safety video, I let you know some things you can do to protect your family from this invisible threat. Learn: Why carbon monoxide is called "the silent killer" Common sources of CO in your home you might not expect Where to properly place CO alarms (and where NOT to put them) How to tell the difference between a low-battery chirp and a true alarm The EXACT steps to take when your CO alarm sounds Critical symptoms of CO poisoning Why "waiting it out" could be a fatal mistake BONUS: We demonstrate how to test your alarm and interpret different alarm patterns. Don't wait until your alarm goes off to learn this life-saving information. Your family's safety depends on the actions you take today. Watch, share, and ensure every parent in your circle knows these crucial safety steps.
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