Checking in on the bear-y latest – female polar bear Neva emerged from her den! Neva exiting her den means she did not have cubs this season. Through the denning process, Neva remained calm and exhibited many of the behaviors we hoped to see—an important milestone in the ongoing progress of this delicate process. Each reproductive season, no matter the outcome, offers opportunities for the bears (and us!) to learn and grow. We’re proud of our team for all the hard work they put into this delicate process, helping us better understand these incredible animals and their natural behaviors. After their time apart during denning season, Neva and Nikita will take turns in their outdoor habitat. So, when you visit Rocky Shores, you may see either of the polar bears outside! This winter, Neva and Nikita will be reintroduced for mating season. This season of their reproductive cycle gets smoother and more comfortable for them each year and is always guided by the bears’ needs and choices. Stay tuned for updates on when they reunite for mating season, where you can visit Neva and Nikita together!
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