I need to get a Will wrote out just in case something happens to me one day. Also, I need a power of attorney put in place. I already have #
#copd which slowly 💀💀💀 you over time. However, at the rate that I 🚬🚬🚬 if I don’t quit it’s shortening my lifespan. If I was to quit, then it would give me more time. The sad part about it is even knowing all that it still hasn’t gotten me to quit. I truly do wanna quit. I’ve been wanting to quit even before I found out that I had COPD. However, when I quit something, I have to be ready on my own and even though I want to, I’m not ready. Which sounds so dumb considering it’s just slowly 💀💀💀 me. Not only are 🚬🚬🚬 addictive but I also have a very addictive personality. So when I quit stuff it has to be because I’m truly ready and over it. I’m trying to slow down at least and I was doing good on that up until recently.. We’ve been rolling our own here lately to cut down on stuff money wise but do buy a pack here and there. Idk I just been thinking about all this stuff lately. I don’t even know how to go about doing it, especially with the situation like it is with my son. However, that shouldn’t matter too much, especially if I put in the Will that a certain amount will be going to my son and a certain amount will be going to my daughter. We will see. When I figure out how all this works, for those of you who are interested in knowing I’ll share with you on how I did it. Once I do it. I also need to put someone as my power of attorney. Which if my husband and I make it I guess he will be. However if we don’t make it I have to choose between my kids. So idk what to when it comes to that. I will get it figured out tho.