Your words are so powerful. ✨ Every word you speak, every thought you think, is shaping your reality. You are literally speaking things into existence. This is why it’s so important to say what you mean and mean what you say. 💫 Affirmations are a powerful tool to create anything you desire in life — but the secret is in how you say them. Say your affirmations in the present tense. When you say, “I will,” you’re telling the universe you don’t have it yet — and that energy keeps it out of reach. Instead, you must trick your subconscious mind into believing it already exists. Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. 🌟 Anything you say or write after “I am” will manifest. When you speak with conviction and repetition, you’re reprogramming your subconscious mind and calling your desires into being. I love to start my day with gratitude, write out my affirmations, and set my intention. It’s such a powerful practice, and it has transformed my life. Let’s start today together. Repeat after me: I am divinely guided. I am divinely protected. I am abundance and flow. Everything is working out for me. I am a powerful manifestor. I am creating the life of my dreams right now. ✨ And so it is. ✨ And so I let it be. ✨ It is done. It is done. It is done. Speak these words with feeling, write them with intention, and watch how your life begins to shift. Follow Soulful Journeys for more tools, inspiration, and guidance to help you step into your power and manifest the life of your dreams. Your words create your world — choose them wisely.
#PowerOfWords #ManifestationMagic #DailyAffirmations #SpeakItIntoExistence #ReprogramYourMind #CreateYourReality #SoulJourneys #AffirmAndAttract #GratitudeAndIntention #SoulfulJourneys