The new @LEGO Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet from the Botanical Collection is available to purchase now for $59.99 USD. To start off, I would like to say that this set showed that I have very little flower arranging skill. π I have built many of the botanical sets, but this is only my second time building a bouquet, the first being the bouquet of roses. I own the other bouquets, I just have not put them together yet. The flowers in this set are beautiful, and I enjoyed putting them together. I did have some issues and made some mistakes, but I blame most of that on being distracted by building this live on social media & big fingers/small pieces. The Persian Buttercup, Waterlily Dahlia & Boat Orchids are my favorites. I love the colors and all the nice parts usage. Axe Heads and Shields and Frogs, Oh My! When I photographed this set, I realized that I do not have a vase, so I went with a trusty mason jar, which is perhaps a little too big for this bouquet. One of the things that I love about the smaller botanical sets is that there is a brick built vase as part of the set. I would love to see vase sets come out in the future so we have a nice place to put our bouquets. Personally, I would not suggest this set to someone who is new to LEGO building, or has never put together a botanical set, there are plenty of others that are good for first timers. Since I havenβt built the other bouquet sets except for the roses, I canβt give a comparison to say if this set is better or worse than previous ones. Overall, if you have enjoyed other kinds of botanical sets, I think you will enjoy this one as well. 10342 - Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet - 749 pieces - $59.99 USD Thank you to The LEGO Group for gifting me this set to build, share & review.
#NeedMoBricks #LEGO #LEGOBotanical #FlowerBouquet #PrettyPink #10342 #Review #RLFM #AFOL