I’m so proud of my baby! My son is everything I prayed for and more. He’s an honor roll student with a 4.1 GPA at one of the most prestigious private schools, setting the bar high for his peers. I just got an email today letting me know he received a merit recognition for being a great example in class, he’s such a natural leader! Not only is he a star in the classroom, but he’s an incredible athlete who masters every sport he tries. Of course, football has his heart, and he shines brightest on that field. He’s also my biggest helper around the house, always making sure things get done. And even when he comes in my room just to aggravate me (his favorite pastime), I know it’s his way of checking up on me and showing love. On top of all that, he’s a social media influencer just like his mommy, already bringing in his own checks! He works hard, leads by example, and takes on the world with so much confidence and heart. That’s why whatever he wants, he gets because he deserves the world. I couldn’t be prouder to call him my son. Watching him grow into the amazing young man he’s becoming fills me with so much joy. Mommy loves you, baby keep being great!
#proudmommy #proudmom #proudmama #momandson #recognition @Blue Teen 💙