Last night I played Confusing Lands for the first time and this is such a fun and quick game for one to two players! Not to mention, it is so easy to learn and so easy to travel with! In this game players are drafting cards to put into their tableau, they get to decide if they want to use the side of the card with a scoring objective on it or the side without, and they play it to their confusing lands by placing it on top of at least one square on a previously played card, covering that space (or spaces). Once eight cards have been drafted by each player the game ends, and you proceed to scoring all of the scoring objectives. Players get points based on the scoring objectives in their lands as well as one that is placed out randomly during set up, but the catch is, they also lose 10 points for each scoring objective they have in their lands. This game was so fun, very puzzly, played in about 10 minutes and fits perfectly in my purse. So yes, I will be taking it everywhere and forcing anyone I can to play with me. A huge thank you to @Envy Born Games for sending over this copy for me to review. It’s definitely going to get a lot of table time around here!
#twoplayergames #portablegames #puzzly #GameNight