Detachment is easy when you know you’re the only validation. You are experiencing your own perceptions. Everything is neutral until we assign meaning. When you know that the meanings you assign affect your reality, you must then make a conscious effort to assign the best meanings, even if you don’t believe it at first. 🪄 Nervous system regulation also helps with this. Our nervous systems are responsible for our responses to stimuli including triggers. This can manifest as feelings of fear, doubt, anxiety etc. This happens when the way we feel is based on what shows up, rather than what we say or want to be true. 🧠 To regulate the nervous system, you can use various techniques such as: deep breathing, meditation, EFT tapping, ice facials, cold showers and much more at least twice a day and when you’re triggered to gain control over your emotional body and responses. When you can control the way you feel, you can control the way you think and start thinking your way towards the things you desire. 🌪️ THERE IS A NEW* PREMIUM MSR PROGRAM IN THE MASTER MANIFESTATION WORKSHOP😍😭All 4 workshop programs in the ✨Master Manifestor Workshop✨ linked in my bio (Manifest Love, Money, Self Concept Transformation, and Manifest Instantly Using Quantum Jumping) which are text and video based have visual demonstrations and explanations of the nervous system and the techniques mentioned (and of course how to manifest those areas). The workshops (Manifesting appearance change and school grades) include reading material on NSR and techniques. ✨ When you are regulated and can think clearly, then you can implement new thought patterns. The workshop also includes audio bundles for different areas such as love, health, money, self-concept, and more with audio tracks including: overnight sleep tapes, affirmation rampages, subliminals, and meditations to transform the way you think on autopilot. When you transform the way you think and feel, you’ve transformed your state!🧲 Your state of being attracts or repels specific circumstances, based on its programming. 💥
#lawofassumption #manifestation #lawofattraction #explore #rich #quantumjump #makemoney #luckygirl