first things first, I’M FIRST. 🫡 In a society that drains us moms, expecting us to constantly pour from an empty cup - I don’t live by that, and I refuse to after learning from my first 2 postpartum experiences. Naturally some days our kids will need us more. This mantra of mine isn’t to say ignore your children. But rather, DO NOT IGNORE YOURSELF. Freshen up in the morning before getting into parent mode. Take your shower before you put the kids to bed. Workout with them, even if it means they have a little screen time. If they cry for a minute or two while you finish a task, they will be okay. As long as they’re in a safe space - make sure you’re mentally ready to caretake. Sometimes that extra moment to yourself to regroup is what can make or break a dumpster fire during bedtime routine. So call me “selfish”, or whatever you want. Because of my small pockets to myself in the day I actually can be an even better mom with more patience, happiness, and confidence. follow me if you relate or want to be better at reminding yourself to take care of you too. You’re still a great mom!!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 📱 febYOUary just got sweeter - my 🆕@dbftllc 6 week at home or gym challenge is open to join, let’s get to feeling our best for spring break! @ptulaactive @tula @hydrojug @alaninutrition @dreamlandbabyco 📱(code DESB for discount on all!)
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