The color red… . . Red has been used in fashion as a sign of passion, power, and even wealth. During the Middle Ages red clothing was hard to make, which made it expensive to buy, so wearing red was seen as a status of wealth. As that may not be that case today, the boldness of the color red screams passion and brings excitement to whatever medium it is being shown through . . One way I like to use red in my personal style is the “Unexpected Red Theory”, which is whenever you have one item, typically smaller such as a beanie, pair of socks, scarf, hat, bag, shoes, etc, that draws the attention because it is somewhat unexpected, but it’s subtle enough that it works and adds that little something extra to an outfit. We have seen a lot of this in the last year, and I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon. . .
#unexpectedredtheory #redclothes #mensvintage #menswearfashion #nashvillecreator