A man’s role is to provide and protect, but he doesn’t deserve respect if he isn’t fulfilling his responsibilities. Respect is earned through action, not just words. Women can only create a loving, peaceful home when the man leads in every aspect of her life. You can’t give her hell or have her stuck in survival mode and expect her to give you heaven. Leadership, stability, and peace start with us as men. Men, it’s time to step up. Take responsibility. Protect, provide, and lead with purpose. Women deserve that respect, and it starts with us stepping into our roles fully. If your fathers didnt teach you, I am. NDBA No Dusty Bums Allowed!
#RespectWomen #Accountability #StrongFamilies #Leadership #Honor #RealMen #StepUp #NDBA #ministeryahdanyada #yadaawakening #yada