I’ve been this wild woman that I’m desiring to be. She’s been locked up deep in my soul, waiting to come back out and be free. I remember transforming into her and then locking her away to get into Grad School…..couldn’t wear nail polish, changed the color of my hair from purple to black, no jewelry was allowed, strict uniform of business casual, and no makeup. And slowly but surely, I became a stranger to myself. I’ve been lost ever since and this year I’m letting her back out. I’m learning social media and society push narratives onto women, but your true soul calling is a reflection of YOUR purpose. God’s way is different. So be different. I won’t conform with societal expectations anymore. Being a wife doesn’t have to look soft and delicate. Being an amazing wife is being you’re true authentic self, because your dream man wants you in your power. My heart tells me that love and connection will unlock my blessings, so I’m trusting that. I’m not crazy. What I’m feeling is a deep truth for me—it’s just not what the world says is “normal.” But you are not called to be of the world; you are called to live in alignment with God’s purpose for you. And this aesthetic and vibe is for me. Goodbye to the old girl I was forced to be……I’d rather be delusional anyways. 🤘🏾
#rockstarwife #rockstarenergy