Enjoying my wine on Christmas Eve Eve. Trying not to lose my ever freaking mind over people who think they know better. These are the same people that complain to mere employees when they have to use self check. The people who think it’s a retailer’s job to clean up the mess you leave behind in a store or restaurant. The same people who book for a 5-10 hour service but want it done in 2 hours for $100. The same people who complain about having to take time from their jobs to come to all of our service industry jobs because their time and money is more valuable than ours. retail, service, beauty, grooming, tattoo providers, heck plumbing (don’t get me started about plumbing) the list goes on. Just say you can do it better yourself, then do it. No one is making you pay for services. And ANY time you pay someone else to do a job FOR you…you are exercising a privilege. Drink at home. Cook at home. Do your own plumbing, landscaping, hair, pet care, car care, heck do your own medical care. For centuries that was how it worked. Only the 1% had the PRIVILEGE to have another person do anything FOR THEM. Or appreciate the hard work all of these people and more put into showing up for you. Doing it all. Learning and keeping up with all they need to based on their field to make life easier for you. And remember they still have to feed and shelter their own families. And IF someone is getting richer because of their hard work, cheer them on. Support them even if you can’t afford thier services. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. #