This centuries-old folk song “Maid on the Shore” is one of my faves! In this story, a woman is pressured to come aboard a ship- the captain and his men want to have their way with her. But instead she sings them to sleep (some see this as witchcraft). Then she robs for everything they’ve got! In my upcoming class, we’ll look at some of the ways women use magic and witchcraft in the old songs to save themselves from attackers (sleep magic is a popular method :)! If you’re hungry for songs where women triumph and get sh*t done, you should start your year with my course “Badass Women in Folk Song!” This is a 6 week experience that you can take virtually (with two different times to choose from) or locally if you’re in western NC! In our time together, we’ll learn a one-of-a-kind collection of ballads and songs about witches, warriors and triumphant women from Scotland, England and Appalachia, and strategies of resistance that these folk songs teach us. Get all the info you need by going to the links in my bio. We start January 13th for local cohorts, and January 16th for virtual cohorts!
#sca #witchsong #magicksongs #folkwitch #traditionalwitchery #magicfolklore #witchtok #witchchant #enlgishfolksong #savagedaughter #folksong #renfaire #medievalwoman #renfairemaiden #witchspell #feministfolk #feminist