We’re trying out Canine Keeps Allergy & Immune Support Chews to see if they’re better for Luci than the previous supplement we’ve tried. We decided to make this switch because of the integrated salmon oil, active ingredients, and more affordable price point. I’ll be bringing you along this ride to see how it goes. I have partnered with this brand try them out with the stipulation that at any point if the product doesn’t seem to be working, I will be transparent and have the freedom to sever the partnership at any time in the event that we find that product doesn’t work. Transparency is incredibly important to me, especially when it comes to what products I represent. I’ll never recommend something to you that I wouldn’t give to/use for my own dogs. That being said, I do have a code for this product if you’d like to check it out yourself. I’ll keep you updated monthly for as long as we continue using this brand. http://caninekeeps.com/demondogduo OR code: DEMON.DOG.DUO
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