It's very important when we have a chronic mental health condition, or multiple chronic mental health conditions, to take excellent care of ourselves. And despite what you might see on social media, bed rotting is not self-care. It isn't, because you're actually neglecting a lot of your basic needs when you engage in bed rotting: your nutrition probably isn't great - it's mostly snacking all day, you're getting virtually no physical activity, it screws up your sleep hygiene, you're probably not staying connected socially, you're probably not engaging with a lot of people. These are your self-care needs, and so when you neglect them to do nothing, you're not actually practicing self-care - you're practicing avoidance. And avoidance is not self-care. Ultimately, this is a question everybody just has to answer for themselves because we all have different brains, we all have different lives, we all have different goals. Ask yourself how you feel afterwards. If after a bed rotting episode, if you feel refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to get back out there, if you feel like you did just take a vacation - awesome, you have found a strategy that works for you. I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong if that's your genuine experience. But suppose it's not your genuine experience, and you found that you actually feel worse after a day of laying in bed. In that case, you just need to be honest with yourself that this is not a self-care activity - this is actually an avoidance strategy. Comment the word Bucket𪣠Get my 5-day guide to reclaiming your time and energy despite mental health struggles
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