All expression is Beautiful. Even if you don’t feel “good” at something, follow the call of your soul & what brings you joy. I’ve been on a long journey of overcoming perfectionism and harsh self-criticism. Recently, it dawned on me that every time we choose to express ourselves - every time we surrender to what lights us up, to what makes us feel truly alive, to our unique flow - we find ourselves closer to wholeness. When we embrace our flow, we don’t just heal and transform as individuals. We send waves of energy outwards - to our Family, our Ancestors, to the Land, the Heavens and beyond. It doesn’t matter if no one sees it. The energy is always sent. Our individual resonance impacts the collective. Trust that your self-expression, however it takes form, holds meaning. It is not only the greatest gift to yourself but also to the interconnected web of life. Your expression matters. You matter. Because We Are One. Gemini I & I
#singer #creativity #Handpan #healing #music #selfexpression #selfesteem