All of a sudden it’s 🦗 when we need it most… Advocate- a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy. It’s in the definition of what you claim your purpose is… so it’s just hard for me to understand? It’s not hate, it’s just a genuine inability to understand how an advocate can be silent during a time of such turmoil for their community? Why so many have energy to keep up with trends, but not speak out against our community being targeted and attacked? I am in no way saying everyone is obligated to speak out against what is happening. But I think that if you have built a platform on the grounds of wanting to advocate and spread awareness, than you can’t simultaneously stay silent. Those two things can’t both exist at once. Especially in the age of social media where there are so many ways you can speak out or make a difference. If you can’t speak yourself, or don’t know what to say, or feel you don’t understand well enough to speak out… there are options. You can duet repost or reshare content on this topic. You can do simple google searches and use screenshots or text to share this information with your audience. There are so many ways we can get around this issue. To me it’s just really hard to understand why you don’t want to? No hate to anyone, just genuinely confused when I see my community under attack & people posting like nothing is going on.
#chronicillness #invisibleillness #disability #fyp #chronicpain #healthcare #spoonie #disabled #disabilityawareness #advocate #advocacy #silence #silenceisviolence #community #giissues #mals #smas #pots #endometriosis #gastroparesis #intestinaldysmotility #dysautonomia #raredisease #medicallycomplex #chronicallyill #MentalHealth #awareness #america #speakup #standup #cometogether #grwm