Being a nice guy is a strength, not a weakness! ⬇️ Follow @mkmatchmaking for more NO BS dating & relationship tips ❤️ Here are 5 ways to stay kind without being taken advantage of: 👉 1. Set Boundaries by Being Direct and Firm If someone constantly expects you to drop everything for them, politely but clearly say: ‘I’d love to help, but I’ve got my own priorities right now.’ Don’t over-explain or apologize for having your own life. A boundary isn’t mean—it’s healthy. 👉 2. Don’t Confuse Kindness with Pleasing Being thoughtful is great, but don’t feel obligated to put someone else’s happiness ahead of your own all the time. You don’t have to ‘earn’ anyone’s respect through endless favors. 👉 3. Watch for Reciprocity Pay attention to who shows up for you. If you’re the one always texting, planning, or giving, it’s time to scale back and see if they put in effort without being prompted. 👉 4. Speak Up When Something Feels Off If someone crosses a line or takes your kindness for granted, calmly say: ‘I’ve noticed [specific behavior], and I’m not okay with it.’ Being nice doesn’t mean staying quiet about disrespect. 👉 5. Value Yourself First Remember: people treat you the way you show them to treat you. Prioritize your time, energy, and well-being. When you respect yourself, the right people will follow suit. ✨ Key Takeaway: Being kind and having boundaries aren’t opposites. They work together to help you build meaningful relationships that truly respect you.
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