Replying to @squintymagoo WHY DO I LOVE SONGS LIKE THIS SO MUCH? I think it’s pointless to point out the obvious, that music and the feeling music produces is colorless, and bigger than race. I want to make this message a little more personal. All of my life I’ve had to prove myself. Prove that I’m smart enough, prove that I’m tough enough, prove that I’m black enough. In this second half of my life, I’m living life on my terms, by my definition and direction. I’m going to love, I’m going to learn, and I’m going to grow from everything and EVERYONE. I’m going to challenge myself to live life everyday on my terms of being better. Which means a life full of love, life, and laughter. I’m going to open myself up to different perspectives, because I’m going to actively listen, and understand that all conversations don’t have to be designed to change someone. Especially while I’m determined for the rest of my numbered days, being the very best version of myself, to focus on, or waste time pointing out anothers “flaws”. I will live my life based on my relationship and understanding of God, and the principles HE, and HE ALONE has set in my heart and mind. I will unquestionably be surrounded by the very best people this world has to offer… People who are decent and genuine, who can’t be reduced to who they sleep with, who they voted for, or the color of their skin reflected by the sun. If this music is playing any part in helping me to reach this level of man and maturity that I strive to be, then I’m going to immerse myself in it, and EVERYTHING else that brings me growth and happiness. Growth and happiness that can be shown by my loving those I agree with, while also listening AND STILL LOVING those who I don’t. I am proud of myself because I am undeniably getting more comfortable in every aspect of my own life from my manhood, to my faith, to my pride in my culture, and my blackness. I won’t stop loving ANYONE, or ANYTHING based on ANY DIFFERENCES created by this world in it’s mind and ignorance. Because I have first learned to love all that I am, which has also given me the ability and strength to love EVERYONE around me, and not care what they do, or how they choose to live their life, because I’m very comfortable and confident in mine, but even moreso, because I am not here to be changed, or to change… I am here to give people the freedom to be whoever they are around me as long as it’s decent and genuine. I will not be limited to others definition of blackness, when I proudly live every day in this skin, and am in the place and position mentally to make my own definition of it, because I can’t be divorced from it, it is a part of everything I decide to involve myself in, and that’s not something that can be given by someone, taken away by someone, or even understood by anyone who lives outside of my skin. Who else was today years old, when they heard the lyrics to “The End of the World” by Skeeter Davis for the first time? I had NEVER taken the time to listen or learn ALL the lyrics to this song until TODAY. 🥹🥹🥹🎶“I wake up in the morning and I wonder/Why everything’s the same as it was/ I can’t understand, no, no I can’t understand/How life goes on the way it does”🎶😳😳😳I don’t know how I went all these years not hearing this song... I HAD NEVER LEARNED THESE LYRICS UNTIL TODAY.
#justifiedallstar #boomer #genx #boomers #misheardlyrics #theysaidwhat #skeeterdavis #endoftheworld #itstheendoftheworld #country #oldies #oldiesbutgoodies #relateable #relatable #whoknew #new60s70srevenge