80% of the time, it happens all the time 🍻❄️ I don’t miss those days. There was always this constant tug of war in my mind, a battle between wanting to have fun and knowing the consequences. As soon as I took that first sip, my inhibitions would melt away, and I’d find myself slipping back into old patterns. It didn’t take much—just one drink, and I was off to the races. Looking back now, 8 years into my sober journey, I can safely say that it’s SO much easier having none than trying to stop at 1 or 2. There’s no internal struggle, no waking up the next day regretting my choices, and no more pretending that I could control something that always controlled me. It’s freeing to have that clarity and to know that I’m not just surviving but thriving without alcohol. Life is so much more fulfilling on this side, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s a power house of a lineup. This will be our 26th consecutive month.
#sober #soberrunner #soberathlete #sobercoach