Reaching is one of 4 important readiness signs ✔️ The ability to reach, grab, and bring objects to the mouth - without toppling over - is one sign that your baby is ready to start solids. But before you jump in, be sure baby meets all four readiness signs. In addition to reaching and grabbing, baby should: ✔️Be able to sit with minimal support ✔️Be able to hold head upright and steady while seated (about 15 minutes) ✔️Intently watch you eat, mouth for food, or lean forward to reach it A baby is ready to start solids when they have reached each of these developmental milestones. ➡️ Note: Some babies show these signs a little sooner or even a little later than 6 mos, this is normal. If your baby is showing each of these signs before 6 months, you are ok to get started! If baby is over 6 mos and not showing these signs, give them another week or two. Focus on lots of unrestricted floor time and bring them into your lap at mealtime to help build interest. If baby is not yet sitting by 7 months old, consider reaching out to your healthcare provider for additional support in reaching developmental milestones. Questions? 🤍
#SolidStarts #babyledweaning #firstfoods #6monthsold #startingsolids #babyfoodideas #100firstfoods #babymilestones #blw #4monthsold #5monthsold