MELVIN HORST Melvin resided with his family near Vine Street and Paradise Street in Orrville, Ohio in 1928. He went to play with four neighborhood friends during the late afternoon hours of December 27, 1928. He was carrying a small red toy truck or wagon at the time of his disappearance; he had received the toy as a recent Christmas gift. His friends said they played in a vacant lot off of Chestnut Street near the railroad tracks. The boys told authorities that, sometime during the evening hours, Melvin announced it was late and said he had to walk home. He was approximately one block from his family's house at the time. Melvin never arrived and has not been heard from again, but the toy he had been playing with was found in his front yard. Melvin's mother, Zora, called him inside for dinner at approximately 4:30 p.m., and he did not arrive. She sent her older son to look for Melvin at neighbors' homes, but the search turned up nothing. When Melvin's father, Raymond, arrived home from work at 6:00 p.m., he and Zora began looking for their son in their neighborhood. The Horsts summoned authorities by 7:00 p.m. and an extensive search was initiated by 8:30 p.m. that evening. Many of Orrville's 4,500 residents assisted in the process, which was led by Raymond's brother, Roy, the village marshal. The search lasted weeks and covered about 100 square miles, including house-to-house searches in Melvin's neighborhood. No sign of the child was uncovered. Melvin's parents moved to Florida after his disappearance and are now both deceased, as are his two brothers. His younger sister still lives in the area, however, and still hopes for answers in his disappearance. Authorities have stated that they never officially closed Melvin's case, but they doubted any new information would lead them to his whereabouts.
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