“Unsure if they had the go-ahead to put out the work, Basside and SOPHIE finally reconnected in 2019 while the producer was in town for a gig, who quickly cleared up any lingering doubt or ambiguity. ‘Oh, I made those for you,’ SOPHIE reportedly said. ‘You could have released them the next day, and I wouldn't have cared.’ The duo was already in the midst of working to release the EP, when the news of SOPHIE's untimely passing hit this past January (2021). Realizing there really was no point in further prolonging the process, Basside decided there was no time like the present to put out their long-awaited project. ‘The tragic passing of SOPHIE has made us realize that time is precious, and waiting for a hypothetical future we know nothing about is the wrong way to live,’ they wrote in statement. ‘All we have is the present.’” – “Basside Break Down Their SOPHIE-Produced EP” Matt Moen, PAPER Magazine
#sophie #sophiexeon #sophiemsmsmsm