This is how you remove a tomato sauce stain using science!!! First rub away the physical bits or rinse, then grab an enzymatic stain remover. Tomatoes are mostly carbohydrates and water, so we're going to use an enzyme called amylase to break down the sugars, which make up about 4% of the tomato. (Most stain removing sprays include enzymes like amylase, protease (for protein), and lipase) These enzymes are very similar to the ones in our digestive system so give it about an hour to literally digest the stain for best results. Then wash as recommended by the care label. Make sure to inspect before tumble drying so you dont set the stain Tomatoes get their red color from lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. If any red pigment remains, use oxygen bleach like hydrogen peroxide or powdered oxygen bleach to correct the color. I hope this helps and let me know what stains you need help with!
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