#StopCensorship advocates for free speech, transparency, and open dialogue on social media. It aims to raise awareness about undue restrictions on content, empowering users to express diverse opinions without fear.
#duet with @Bryan Andrews ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY! I completely agree with this guy’s message and couldn’t have said it better myself. This attempted “ban” is all about government control and suppression of our rights. I’m 50 years old, I LOVE this country and I intend to do anything I need to do to preserve my RIGHTS, rights the founding fathers of this country put in place to avoid this exact bullshit! This has nothing to do with sensitive data, it has everything to do with control! #tiktoker#socialmedia#tiktokshutdown#governmentcorruption#censorship#unconstitutional#governmentoverreach#america#american#ilovemycountry#stopcensorship