Strawberry Rose Bouquet 🍓🌹is an adorable Valentine’s Day treat sure to impress your loved ones - looks fancy but is so easy to make and even easier to enjoy! Directions: 1. Skewer a washed and dried strawberry. 2. Use a small paring knife to cut a petal at the base, slicing downward. Keep it small for more petals. 3. Twist the knife lightly to fan the petal out and roll the tip for a rose-like appearance. 4. Repeat around the base for about five petals (more or less is fine). 5. Create a second tier of petals, spacing them alternately. 6. Make a shallow cut at the top for small petals. Tip: Choose larger, firm, and ripe strawberries for the best results! Enjoy your beautiful creation!
#ValentinesDay #strawberryrose #edibleroses