Do you have jumpers knee? 🦵 If you don't knee what jumpers knee is, it's when the tendon that connects your knee cap to your shin hurts when squatting, running, or (you guessed it) jumping. It hurts to bend your knee under load, and is a total bummer to live with... So use these 5 movements to loosen your knee up and get back to all that jumping you love doing (said no one ever). Rolling Movements: Explore the entire muscle Roll on the inside and outside of it, and all the way from top to bottom. Roll slowly on the tender areas for 20 seconds, or until your feel a 'melting' sensation in the muscle. Stretches: Hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds Superband calf/hamstring stretch - Both legs should be straight Keep your hips relaxed on the floor Look for a stretch up the back of your leg Cowboy sit groin stretch - Point your foot out to the side Grab the top of your foot and user your elbow to push your knee back Lean weight out into your foot Push your hips back Look for a stretch in the inner Thigh/Groin area Half kneeling quad stretch - Reach for your back foot with your opposite hand (ex. right hand grabs left foot) Push your hips forward, and raise your chest up Look for a stretch in the quad (front side) of your back leg (and a little through the bottom of your front leg) Share with someone who could use this! Follow for more!
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