The SECRET TIP to preventing STRETCH MARKS, is to hydrate, lubricate and moisturize the skin from the inside out and from the outside in. You do that by using a good quality, safe COLLAGEN that helps lubricate the skin from the inside out which makes the skin SUPPLE and allows it to stretch without tearing. Well, not all collagens, but REFRESH, the MMF collagen has a few extra ingredients that allows for this, especially hyaluronic acid. Its one of the best things you can do for your skin and preventing stretch marks. But not all collagens are created equal and not all are safe. The next thing is lubricating the skin topically… from the outside in with a really good topical cream. Which is why we launched REJUVE CREAM and its been a best seller since we did. Rejuve penetrates 25 layers of cellular structure making it unparalleled in the market as far as helping prevent stretch marks. Its also been tested and used in clinical settings by doctors and it works. If you want to give this great combo a try, COMMENT the word BUNDLE and Ill send you a link to get a special deal on both REFRESH COLLAGEN & REJUVE CREAM. It really is a powerful combo if you really want to decrease your chances of getting stretch marks. \
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