If he can’t make your life softer, he has no business in your bed, no business calling you his woman, and no business touching your body. A weak man feels entitled to your mind, your body, and your emotions, yet does nothing to help you recharge, rest, or feel supported. That’s not a man—that’s a burden. A real man can’t watch his woman struggle, stressed and exhausted, without stepping up to lighten her load. If he’s not making your life easier, he’s adding to the chaos. Stop tolerating the bare minimum. You deserve love that pours into you, not drains you.Ladies, leave these weak boys pretending to be men behind. Your peace is priceless. If your fathers didn’t teach you, I am! NDBA No Dusty Bums Allowed!
#sufi #ministeryahdanyada #yadaawakening #yada