What a better way to end than where it all started? posting about Doctor Who and Supernatural were the biggest things I did on this app for years. sure I posted fashion stuff, and rants, and art, or music... or massive Marauders themed audio projects that take over your entire life??? BUT Supernatural was always where I first started connecting with people on this app. Without this app I wouldn't have some of my best friends to this day. Fandom and community will never go anywhere no matter what happens to this space. I'm not gonna ask you go find me in other places, because there's not gonna be another space like this where I make content like THIS. I grew my cosplay here. I experimented here. I found that niche, and now it's time to let it go. it was silly and fun and beautiful for 5 years. Thank you all for giving the space to this cosplayer and fandom nerd to do whatever I wanted. To my SPNFamily, I'll see you at the next con whenever that is. 💜 To everyone else, fair winds.
#spnfam #supernaturalcosplay #spncosplay #supernatural #charliebradburycosplay #charliebradbury #doctorwho #rosetyler #doomsday #Inverted