A lot of people do not understand why you can’t be on government assistance when applying to be a surrogate. There’s actually a couple reasons! ✨ 💸 When applying to be a gestational surrogate, you must be fully financially stable. This means not receiving any form of government assistance. This is in place to assure you are not relying on being a surrogate to live. You may sign up to receive $60k and end up receiving nothing because you learn later down the line in medical, you aren’t actually qualified. Maybe you only receive one or two payments because you sadly end up miscarrying. Not a single dime is guaranteed to you when you begin your journey until you fully complete all the steps, get a confirmed pregnancy, and carry that pregnancy out to term (or the point in your contract). 💸 There can and more than likely will be times you must pay out of pocket on the spot for things such as medications, vitamins, appointments, and pregnancy related items. Although these are reimbursed to you, you must still be in a good financial standing to pay out of pocket for things during the journey. 💸 You should never compromise any assistance you are receiving in order to become a surrogate. Continue to receive your benefits and help until you are financially able to be off of them. Because when you start receiving compensation from surrogacy, it has the potential to kick you off the government assistance programs due to the amount of money you are receiving. Getting back on that assistance once the pregnancy is over can take monthsssss and put your family in a bad spot. Just wait until you no longer need the benefits. 💸 And lastly, being on government assistance and receiving compensation from being a surrogate can cause issues when the parents of the baby go through the courts to get parentage of their child. It makes the parents look like they are paying you to have their baby knowing you aren’t financially stable without the surrogacy payments. This then makes the surrogacy journey look like financial coercion on the parents side and can cause the courts to deny the parents parentage or rights to their own baby.
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