This is what a child that’s becoming teachable for swimming looks like. Calm, non reactive to water in face, water that ends up in mouth casually gets spit out, just like you would do. If your 3 year old can’t do this, don’t bother spending money on lessons.. You may be going somewhere that will focus on bubble blowing and kicks, which are NOT THE FIRST STEPs in becoming a safe swimmer. First step should always be positive water acclimation, and then survival swimming,, And then strokes and kicking.. When kids start kicking and blowing bubbles prior to being able to voluntarily put their face in the water, the swim process is developing from a place of frantic, chaotic movements. It needs to be developed first from a place of breath control, and fluid calm glides and floats. If your kid can’t put his face in on purpose, those kicks are gonna be flexed ankles, bad toe position, and HEAVY.. and it might stay that way for years.. when the kick is developing AFTER voluntary submersions, it WILL be light, and loose, and doesn’t make the entire body tense up. When kid can’t go face in, it’s gonna take way longer for breath control. With no breath control, you have shit buoyancy. 👉You must get them TEACHABLE. And it starts with Education👇 @teachyourchildtoswim 40% off all Prepare2Swim Courses Use Coupon Code- HOLIDAY Comment Prepare2Swim for more information!
#merrychristmas #survivalswimlessons #parents #teachyourchild #swimming #prepare2swim #swimminglessons #onlinecourse #bathtime #whodoyouwaterwith #babyswimlessons #waterbaby #babyswimming #survivalswimming #swimminglesson #infantswimlesson #learntoswim #mom #dad #watersafety TEACH YOUR CHILD TO SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK Disclaimer: The instructions, advice, and or opinions depicted in this context may be dependent on, and should be considered in conjunction with specific limitations, qualifications or exclusions, which are set out in full teach your child to swim and course offered by us. It is also general in nature, and does not consider any of you, or your child’s specific medical or psychological circumstances. You should ensure that you always follow, applicable safety information and apply reasonable judgment when preparing/teaching your child to swim.