Lunar New Year was my favorite holiday growing up, and for good reason. Coming from a humble background, it was one of the rare times I’d receive a bit of money. The $5 or $10 tucked into red envelopes (lì xì) from my parents and relatives quickly added up. By the end of the day, I’d often have $60 or $70 in hand. Now, that might not seem like a lot to most people, but to a 9-year-old me, that felt like hitting the jackpot—I might as well have been a millionaire! But the real magic of Lunar New Year went far beyond the lucky envelopes. It was the joy of my entire family coming together, filling our home with laughter, love, and an abundance of incredible food. Those gatherings remain some of my fondest memories. With Lunar New Year (January 29th) just around the corner, I’m excited to share some of my favorite recipes to celebrate this special occasion! First up is Xôi Gấc, or Red Sticky Rice. In Asian cultures, the color red symbolizes good fortune and happiness, so this is a perfect recipe to start with. This vibrant, semi-sweet dish is incredibly versatile—it can be enjoyed as a snack, appetizer, or dessert. Traditionally, it’s paired with chả lụa (Vietnamese ham) or sprinkled with a mix of crushed peanuts and salt, or sesame seeds and sugar. Personally, I love giving it a non-traditional twist by serving it with a rich coconut milk reduction, similar to the sauce you’d find with mango sticky rice. The recipe and measurements are on my blog:
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