(as in my nervous system faking getting better) did you know that in SCIs at T6 or higher if you experience a noxious stimulus like pain below level of injury, your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems can disagree so hard it can be ✨fatal✨? it's called autonomic dysreflexia, and it sucks. when the sympathetic nervous system notices something is wrong, it reacts peripherally and then the brain sends signals down through the spinal cord to calm it down. if the location where that signal travels through is not intact, the brain can't calm it down. below LOI freaks out and clamps down, above LOI freaks out and dilates trying to fix it. all the blood ends up too high, the opposite of lost other dysautonomias, and it causes: severe blood pressure spikes (I often spike from 120/90 to 160/110), spasms, malaise, the feeling that something is viscerally wrong, anxiety, flushing above LOI, clammy cold blow LOI, and puts you at imminent risk for heart attack or stroke if unresolved. this is solved by removing the noxious stimulus! 80% of the time iirc, that's a distended bladder. but even a hangnail can do it. in my case, one of my most common triggers is things hitting my stomach. as always, never repeat anything I say without fact checking as I am not a medical professional. but there's an explanation of how half my nervous system told me everything was okay while the other half thinks I'm genuinely dying when I eat. toodleoo
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