Part 2 DC My apologies for the long text! I find this to be a significant problem. Many people place Jesus, His gospel, and His work at a distance, isolating these concepts solely to reading. A large number of individuals believe that salvation comes only from reading the Bible, suggesting that one cannot know Christ without reading about Him, and that preaching Jesus Christ relies solely on the written word. This misunderstanding overlooks the fact that the New Testament was not compiled as a complete collection until nearly 500 years after the Lord resurrected. If we continue to propagate this lack of knowledge, we imply that those who did not have a Bible are condemned, while anyone who has ever read the Bible is saved, even if they identify as atheists. If salvation were truly found only in reading the word, then everyone who has ever read it would be made right with God, regardless of their obedience to the gospel. If it is written: “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” Romans 8:9 KJV. Then we should know that it is not the reading of scripture that reconciles us to God or Gives us the spirit of God. Reading is indeed fundamental, but it does not bring us into reconciliation with God, nor does it instill the Spirit of God within us. Preaching is distinct from reading, and reading is not the same as preaching. Our foundation is built upon the audible testimony of the Savior. While reading supports our study and understanding, our salvation comes from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and what He commanded. These teachings have been passed down audibly through history. Reading helps us to trust and reiterate what has already been spoken.
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